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The Future of Transport: What Can We Expect in the Next Years?

Today the global population is growing faster, as more towns are now becoming urban areas. The result is heavy traffic congestion affecting businesses, truck transportation, and logistics. Not only do we now experience congestion across the world because of traditional transportation, but economies also face unnecessary spending due to the weaknesses of transportation networks.

The Future of Transport: What Can We Expect in the Next Years?

With advancements in transportation technology, we are expecting lots of changes in the future of transportation. While these changes may seem light-years away, they are already a work in progress. 

With the future of transport just a few steps from reality, there are still many that need to be answered. This article will discuss some of the trends already in motion for new transportation technology. We will also discuss the future of these trends in transportation and what to expect in the next few years. 

Current Trends in Transportation

Below are some of the trends already in motion as we look forward to the future of transportation technology. 

1. Autonomous Vehicles

Whether it is passenger or cargo transportation, new truck engine technology will involve the use of self-driving autonomous vehicles that do not depend on human interference. In a couple of years, we should expect these self driving cars in great numbers to be on the road

2. Electrification

When it comes to cars, electrification of vehicles is at its tipping point. With electric vehicles, cars will no longer need petrol, diesel, or traditional crude oil. These electric trucks will depend on a battery to function. This means less carbon dioxide and fossil fuel defense for electric trucks. Electric vehicles are expected to reach 13 percent by 2025 and 22 percent by 2030.

3. Smart Technology

Without a doubt, smart technology is the future of transportation. These smart transportation technology examples are set to revolutionize the sector in the next 20 years. 

Future Trends in Transportation

In the next few years, we expect innovations in the transportation industry that will greatly improve our lives, and minimize death, cost, and even anxiety. The following examples will engineer the future of transport;

1. Driverless Cars

With new truck engine technology, we expect to see more self-driving/driverless cars and trucks. Although reports vary, several industry experts believe that fleet vehicles including buses, trucks, and taxis will take control and make independent decisions. Although there are still plentyof questions surrounding the safety and regulations of driverless trucks, Tesla has already launched its autopilot system. Uber, Audi, and Volkswagen are also on their way to making headlines. 

Because of the number of deaths and business failures caused by distracted driving, self-driving trucks use computers to operate vehicles. This new transportation technology is designed to reduce speeding incidents and minimize risks. However, you should be aware of the hefty price tag, legal ramifications, privacy concerns, and ethical questions surrounding driverless vehicles. 

2. Underground Roads

Underground roadways are a reimagining of traditional road design. The goal is to make 3D roads to solve the issues of city infrastructure. This idea was conceived by Elon Musk who believes that underground roads will help speed transportation and prevent congestion. This new transportation infrastructure will use a system of tunnels that allow you to lower trucks underground before transporting them at high speed to different destinations. To ensure quick and cost-effective services, these underground trucks will use a metal trolley platform. 

3. Flying Taxis

The goal of this transportation technology is to transport people and goods to different cities using small planes. Flying taxis are designed to provide safe and affordable transportation of people and goods without being a nuisance to people on the ground. The problem, however, is that it isn't yet possible to build a durable and safe flying taxi following current market trends which require you to wait for the Federal Aviation Authority. 

4. Hyperloop

Another transportation trend to look out for in the future is the hyperloop. Hyperloop is a transportation tube that helps transfer groups of passengers and goods using a pressurized track. This new transportation technology is expected to run at a speed of 600 mph. With multiple companies working on these prototypes together, we should be hearing more about Hyperloop soon. 

5. Autonomous Trucks

Today several truck manufacturers are working to produce autonomous trucks and vehicles. This is a huge opportunity which will not only revolutionize the way people and goods are transported, but also ease congestion and improve road safety on busy roads. Although this transportation technology is not completely driverless, it is similar to the autopilot mode existing in airplanes. Autonomous trucks are also designed to maintain distance and speed between vehicles and can be controlled remotely. 

What to Expect From Transportation Technology in the Future

There are certain things we should expect from smart transportation technology in the future. This includes;

1. Security

Hybrid truck technology comes with security risks. For instance, creators are obligated to not only learn how these new technologies operate but also how to secure them from hackers. Security is important to also prevent attacks or theft. The truth is that for transportation to be customised, companies must ensure that their data is safe

2. Speed

Instead of spending so much time in transit due to traffic congestion or long distance, transportation technology can provide a faster and more efficient travel experience at high speeds. This will mean that we can spend our time on more productive things. 

3. Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Transportation is a major cause of greenhouse gas emissions. With the United States generating around 28 percent of total greenhouse gas emissions in transportation to run trucks, cars, trains, ships, and planes, there is a demand for greener vehicles and electrification.

Many engineers are now promoting clean solutions and renewable energy alternatives while reducing the use of gasoline and carbon emissions. 

4. Road Congestion

With most cities already maxing out their infrastructure, the future of transportation technology will help to reduce congestion and provide an alternative to traditional roads. This will obviously change the way our cities are built, as driverless vehicles that can drop us at our destination and pick us up later will make huge parking lots a thing of the past.

5. Affordability

New transportation technology is expected to be affordable, eco-friendly, and inventive. Therefore it will promote income equality across the globe. This means that no matter how much you earn, you will still be able to get to work safely and efficiently. 


There are several logistic and regulatory challenges in the world today as a result of climate change, overcrowding, wealth inequality, etc. As a result, there is a wave of innovation leading the transportation industry across the globe. In the future, we are expecting a revolution in the sector, especially with the evolution of alternative fuels, IoT, etc. It is important to stay ready and prepare for the future of transportation.