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Roles and rights for different Eurowag Pay user profiles

Eurowag Pay is the smart payment solution for modern fleet-based businesses looking to reduce overall costs and enhance operational efficiency. With a user-friendly interface and advanced features tailored specifically to the needs of the trucking industry, Eurowag Pay allows companies to easily handle digital payments for fuel purchases all over Europe.

Roles and rights for different Eurowag Pay user profiles

Eurowag Pay provides detailed information about account wide transactions, and  has advanced safety features to prevent theft and fraud. The app was designed with every member of your team in mind. Multiple users can be assigned different roles based on the tools required to do their job, providing a more streamlined user experience for the whole fleet.

Let’s discuss how roles and rights are differentiated within Eurowag Pay, and how they affect the user experience.

Eurowag Pay roles and rights

Drivers, owners, dispatchers, accountants and other employees can be granted varying levels of access within Eurowag Pay. Owners can assign different roles to individual users, allowing specific rights and limiting certain information and features. 

The ability to create different profiles across multiple user accounts provides owners more control over who can complete a given function within Eurowag Pay.

The driver role only grants the rights to specific tools needed to perform necessary tasks like navigating assigned routes, adhering to a schedule, and making authorized fuel payments. Drivers receive access to trip information, including which fuel stations along the route accept Eurowag Pay.

Owner/Administrator roles are provided overarching control over all aspects of a company’s operations. They can configure settings, manage accounts, and approve requests for access or expenditures. These profiles are able to coordinate team efforts, allocate resources, and monitor financial activity from the app.

Dispatchers are given the rights to assign and manage loads, track the status of trips, and communicate to drivers through the app. They may also be given access to trip-related documentation and the ability to update these records as necessary.

Users assigned to the role of accountant within Eurowag Pay are able to process or approve payments, view and manage financial records, generate reports and reconcile accounts. The rights granted allow accountants to easily ensure compliance, maintain accurate records, and monitor company finances.

Now that you understand how roles and rights work within Eurowag Pay, we’ll look at an example of how they can affect user experience by comparing the interface for two different roles.

Comparing driver interface and dispatcher interface

Any user in any role needs to have an account within the app to make use of mobile payments. Each person authorized to use the Eurowag Pay app has their own individual account, making it easier for owners to see which user made which transactions and more effectively prevent misuse. 

A new account is created when a new client signs up with Eurowag. The owner can then authorize and invite other colleagues to use the app, and assign them a particular role.

Each role within the Eurowag Pay ecosystem has access to a different set of features. Let’s look at two available roles to see how they affect the interface within the app.

The driver role and dispatcher roles are both designed to cater to the respective needs and responsibilities of each position. As a result of the different rights permitted to these roles, the interface within the platform will be different for these users.

The dispatcher interface grants the ability to assign new fuel cards to drivers or delete existing ones. Dispatchers can also access route planning & Telematics tools and information. Remote refueling is another feature dispatchers are given access to. It can be configured for specific cards and users during card assignment. This feature allows an authorized profile to unlock fuel pumps and complete purchases over any distance, even if the driver doesn’t have access to the mobile app.

By contrast, the driver interface provides a simplified dashboard with only the information necessary to complete assigned tasks and communicate with support staff. Drivers must have a payment card assigned to them before they can make purchases using Eurowag Pay. However, the card must be assigned by a dispatcher, owner or administrator. First, the driver must have an account set up within the app, and the account must be approved & assigned to the driver. 

Once a card has been assigned, the driver can make certain authorized payments within the app. They can also receive personalized notifications to tell them when the card limit has been reached, the reason a specific transaction was refused, and other relevant information. When the card lock feature is used, drivers can also use the Eurowag app to have their fuel card unlocked for future use.

When both roles look at the fuel map within Eurowag Pay, the dispatcher can see a list of all refueling stations where Eurowag Pay is accepted and details about the types of fuel available, as well as fuel prices for those stations. A user assigned to a driver role can view the same map showing details about fuel type availability, but will not be able to see prices.

The ability to create different profiles with different roles and rights assigned to each allows owners to easily control access and delegate responsibilities within Eurowag Pay, while still being able to handle any function independently.

Eurowag Pay is better than a standard mobile payment platform

Mobile payments have become almost ubiquitous in recent years. They offer speed and convenience while also ensuring quick, secure transactions. Drivers can make payments swiftly and safely without the need to keep cash on hand. 

The ability to monitor all transactions in real time is another huge advantage offered through the use of mobile payments. This allows for better visibility and financial planning. Automating the invoicing processes also minimizes input errors and contributes to more accurate record keeping. Drivers and administrative staff can easily track and verify payment details. Improved visibility into the status of payments, invoicing and transaction histories helps ensure that every member of your team has access to up-to-date information.

Most mobile payment platforms also offer advanced encryption and authentication, which makes them more secure than traditional payment methods. These enhanced encryption methods protect sensitive financial data from potential security threats, so companies can feel safer when transferring large sums of money via mobile payment. 

Using mobile phones to make payments offers another layer of security, as the phone itself is typically protected by facial or fingerprint identification. Drivers tend to keep better track of their own mobile devices than plastic fuel cards, meaning it is less likely for them to be lost or stolen. With Eurowag pay, drivers can also use their own device to resolve issues like a locked card or insufficient balance more efficiently. 

But not all mobile payment platforms were created equal. Eurowag Pay provides all of the advantages the others do, but also includes benefits specifically designed for the needs of the trucking industry.

Eurowag Pay allows drivers to pay for fuel and other approved expenses without the need to carry cash or plastic cards, or even remember a PIN. No need to stand in a long queue at the gas station or search for and interact with an OPT (which can often be dirty), simply pull up the app, pay at the pump, and get back on the road. 

Dispatchers will enjoy Eurowag Pay as well, since it removes the responsibility of making sure that drivers have their card with them on their routes. Account creation and card assignment can be done instantly, regardless of distance, and in less time than it takes to walk across a parking lot to physically hand a fuel card to a driver. Once a card has been assigned and virtualized through Eurowag Pay, it is available instantly for purchases.

On top of everything, Eurowag Pay is fast, modern and secure, with a great UX and cool fin-tech like design. Contact us today to find out more about how Eurowag and Eurowag Pay are helping trucking companies all over Europe go further on the road to success.