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Mandatory Tachograph Replacement: Information and Recommendations for Eurowag Clients

As the deadline for the mandatory replacement of tachographs approaches, we want to inform you about important changes introduced by European legislation, specifically the Mobility Package I. These regulations aim to enhance transparency and control in international transport, making it necessary to modernize vehicle tachographs.

Mandatory Tachograph Replacement: Information and Recommendations for Eurowag Clients

Key Deadlines and Obligations:

  • By December 31, 2024: Mandatory replacement of 1st generation tachographs in vehicles registered before June 15, 2019, used for international transport.
  • From August 2025: The obligation extends to vehicles equipped with smart tachographs version V1.
  • From June 2026: Small commercial vehicles over 2.5 tons must be equipped with new tachographs.

Why is the replacement necessary?

The modernization of tachographs aims to introduce technologies that enable:

  • Automatic recording of border crossings.
  • Recording locations where goods were loaded and unloaded.

These innovations provide better control and transparency in international transport, benefiting both carriers and regulatory authorities.

Tachograph Settings in Compliance with GDPR

To ensure that your tachograph operates correctly and complies with GDPR requirements, we recommend the following steps:

  1. In the tachograph menu, select Driver.
  2. Choose Settings.
  3. Set Publish ITS data to YES (Confirm).
  4. Set Publish VDO data to YES (Confirm).

These settings are essential for ensuring compatibility with new requirements and proper data transmission.

How Can Eurowag Help You?

As a provider of comprehensive services for transport companies, we are here to support you with information and guidance on legislative requirements for tachographs. Our goal is to keep you informed about the latest updates and assist you with the steps needed to ensure compliance. If you have any questions or need advice, feel free to reach out to us - we're always here to help.

Ensure your vehicles are ready for the future with Eurowag!